Website: is committed to respect and value the privacy rights of individuals. All personal data/information we collect are guaranteed to be protected and processed in accordance with Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its implementing Rules and Regulations.
We recognize the confidentiality of personal data and abide to the general principles of transparency, accountability, and for a legitimate purpose.
Website: will collect and process your personal data that you voluntarily and knowingly provide in the course of or in connection with your transaction with us.
Website: collects, processes and uses personal information only as necessary and relevant for the purposes for which it was obtained. Your personal information may use for some or all of the following purposes:
a. For validation, checking of information received by Website: from the client and to ensure completeness and integrity of data, and compliance with the relevant laws and rules.
b. To undertake activities related to the services with Website: with regard to the printing and/or distribution of products.
c. For reporting as required by local regulating agencies in connection with events, or when required or allowed by law.
d. To comply with any obligations, requirements, policies, procedures, measures or arrangements for sharing data and information.
e. For providing with the necessary service, including responses to inquiries or comments, complaints and general feedback about our services.
Website: will treat this data confidentially and use it for appropriate professional purposes only.
Website: shall not share personal information of the customer/client with any third party intending to use the same for any other purposes, unless you have provided specific consent in relation to this.
Website: is committed to fully comply with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its implementing rules and regulations, and therefore seeks your consent for Website: to collect, process and use your personal information for the above described purposes. By checking and ticking the box on the landing page of the website” mean that I/We have read the Data Privacy Statement and express/convey my/our consent for the Website: to collect, record, organize, retrieve, use, consolidate, transfer, disclose or dispose of my personal data as part of my information.
I hereby affirm and acknowledge my right to be informed, object to processing, access, suspend or withdraw my personal data and consent to the collection, processing, and protection of my/our and/or as agent/s for and on behalf of the principal/s personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Data Privacy Act of 2012 by agreeing the terms by checking and ticking the box of the website.